Captain’s Log 12/09

Captain’s Log 12/09

I’m sending this report a little early, just in  case I get blown off a Scottish hillside this weekend. Here’s hoping the BBLers off to sculling camp get better weather.

World masters rowing championships in Varese

What better way to start the season than with news of rowing success. Some fantastic results from BBLers competing at the world masters championships in Varese.

Jackie Darling Wins:  the G4+ / F8+ / F2x, 2nd places in G2- / G4-/ E8-

Lesley Baguely Win: D4+ / E4- / C4- / F8+ 2nd place in E8+

Chrissie Richardson Win: A8+ (and possibly in mixed racing on the Sunday)

Zoe Guiniven Win: C4-, 2nd place in E8+

According to roving reporter Zoe it was beautifully hot and sunny in the lovely Lago de Varese in northern Italy.  The regatta was efficiently run and many new friends were made, especially from other clubs on the tideway.  Next year the regatta is in Ballarat, Melbourne.  2015 is a lot more accessible, in Hazewinkel, Belgium

Congratulations all!

Squad meeting

Thanks to everyone who came to the squad meeting the other night.  Just to recap, the training schedule looks like this:

Monday: dedicated Happy Mondays water session; novice ergs

Tuesday: dedicated intermediate outings (until end Sept);  Circuits (from 24 September – details to follow) EVERYONE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND

Wednesday: novice outings;  intermediate / happy Mondays ergs

Thursday: general intermediate / HM outings until end of Sept; Dedicated intermediate squad outings from end of Sept.

As we explained at the meeting, we are dropping a mid-week outing over the winter, to make it easier for everyone to commit to the training plan, so would hope to see everyone down for ergs / circuits as well as the water outings.

Safety briefing

The PLA will be coming to give a safety briefing at 8.30pm on 1 October (after circuits). All active  members must attend  – we spend a lot of time in small boats or out in the dark, and need to make sure we all know what to do to be safe.

Pairs head catering

There’s been no response to my request for volunteers to help with the catering for the Pairs Head on 13 October.  This is a BBL-run event and a great opportunity to raise funds to pay for boats and coaching.

Please could you let me know if you can help – either in advance, by buying food and coordinating volunteers, or on the day by making sandwiches or helping on the stall. We will also be looking to people to bake cakes to sell on the day.

Lots of us have benefitted from other people giving up their time to volunteer at the club – helping with the catering at head races is a great way to put something back. Looking forward to hearing from you all!

And finally, congratulations to coach Jo and husband Ed on the arrival of Freya Louise last week. Hopefully there’ll be some baby photos before too long. Now, how to fit a child seat in a coaching launch …

Have a great – and hopefully not too wet – weekend.
