Captain’s update 01/08

Captain’s update 01/08

Hi all

I hope everyone had the opportunity to watch the Women’s Pair win gold today a Dorney, what a great day for Women’s Rowing!

We’ve had a flurry of enquiries from existing and novices about joining via the website, so I think the Olympics will definitely spark some attention for rowing which is great news.

Just a quick one from me today. This year has flown by and on 13 August it will be time to vote in the Presidents and Captains for 2012/13. The more volunteers we have the easier the job will be to continue to run a successful club.

The following roles are open for anyone interested to put themselves forward. I will post the nominations on the board in the club this week:

Novice Captain
Vice Captain
Deputy Captain

If you would like to put yourself forward please speak with myself or one of the existing committee members. For more details about Committee duties, please see the website

Finally – date for your diary – the Christmas Dinner has been booked! Keep Saturday 15th December free for a great BBL night.

To keep up to date on up coming events, please see our event calendar

Enjoy the Olympics and hopefully see you soon.

