Captain’s update 22/04

Captain’s update 22/04

Its been a busy few weeks following a very successful, if not very sunny, training camp. There were sore hands and tired bodies by the end, but everyone showed improvement from the time spent on the water.

We’re well and truly into the regatta season with Hammersmith Regatta this coming Saturday. For many of the crew this will be their first taste of regattas having joined in following the Get fit and row course in September – well done for coming so far in such a short space of time.

We have two crews IM3 and Novice, racing at 13:44 and 14:48 respectively. If you’re in the Hammersmith area please give the ladies in blue a cheer.

Oxford Bumps report
Despite some logistical challenges we managed to have a great day of racing at Oxford City Bumps. Being (hopefully unusually) disorganised I managed to get us to the race without a usable bike, pole person or camera memory card to record the occasion. Despite the rocky start our rowing was on much better form. Our boat held its own, having to race the course three times due to the upper half of the division being well matched from the start. Our boat nearly bumped University College in the third round, finally bumping Oxford Academical’s in the fourth round in less than 20 strokes.

Next year we will attempt to not have sculling camp on the same day and will encourage many more crews to enter – its a great way to hone those racing starts.

Get fit and row 2013
We’re planning for the next intake of Get fit and row 2013. We will be holding a pre-course Open day on Sunday 28th July – we’ll be looking for volunteers help to run sessions with the new hopefuls. Please put the date in your diary.

See you at the club soon.