After a toasty night’s sleep (thank you storage heaters), the squad assembled for a 7am start at the boat house for rigging. Once all the bits were put together, we set off on the first outing of the day; 25 minutes steady state towards Gloucester and back (or 40 minutes for those choosing not to heed orders..).
A little bit fresher and breezier than we would have liked, it was a chilly start to camp.
The break between the two morning sessions saw the rest of the boats being rigged, a quick tea break, and some technical. Building the stroke from the front, full crew, square blades = good times! A new appreciation for consistent hand heights and moving together ensued.
BLT’s and eggies for lunch went down very well, and lots and lots of hot tea. Quality fuel for the 7 x 1km pieces that were to follow that afternoon.

Working up through the rates, from 22 to 30, certainly blew away any remaining cobwebs . A shout out to Carly who beasted all 7 pieces in a single!
Back on dry land, the Ladies made sure they kept on top of the boat ‘house keeping’ duties, pumping the excess water out of the launch, proving that it’s not just all about the ‘LEGS!’

An amazing dinner of curry and crumble was the reward for a hard day’s work, thank you Penny and helpers!
Three things of note were missing, 1) Jo B’s flapjacks, 2) Katy B leaving us all trailing in her wake 3) the sun. We expect all three to be back for camp next year, it’s not the same without you!